AUGUSTA — Legislative leaders announced late Monday night that after weeks of negotiations they have reached a deal on the state budget for the next two years.

In a joint written statement, House and Senate leaders said the deal includes tax cuts, investment in students and workers, property tax relief and welfare reform. Details of the deal, which could not be confirmed Monday night, will be presented on the House floor on Tuesday as an amendment to a version of the budget produced by the Legislature’s Appropriations Committee.

Senate President Michael Thibodeau, R-Winterport; House Speaker Mark Eves, D-North Berwick; House Minority Leader Ken Fredette, R-Newport; and Senate Minority Leader Justin Alfond of Portland said in a joint written statement at about 10:30 p.m. Monday that the deal would prevent a shutdown of state government.

“I believe this budget has something for everyone in Maine,” he said in a written statement. “We were sent here to represent them and I am pleased that we were able to lower their tax burden while at the same time take steps to keep property taxes in check and fund vital state services.”

Details of the agreement were not released Monday evening and would be revealed on Tuesday, according to Jodi Quintero, a spokeswoman for Eves.

“In divided government, compromise is the only option,” said Eves. “I’m pleased we’ve reached an agreement that will grow our economy and improve the lives of Maine families. While no one in our negotiations got everything they wanted, we worked hard to deliver progress for the people of Maine.”


After a House session that ran into the early evening Monday, Democrats held a caucus but did not let a reporter from the Bangor Daily News attend. That’s an indication that leaders were presenting the deal to the caucus.

“Compromise is never easy but this is how governing works,” said Alfond. “In Maine, we can see beyond our differences and find areas of mutual agreement to move our state forward. This budget invests in our youngest and our oldest, our workers and our retirees, and provides a meaningful tax cut to all Mainers.”

Fredette and House Republicans, along with Republican Gov. Paul LePage, have led the opposition against the majority budget deal reached by the Appropriations Committee.

“After weeks of tough negotiations we have reached an agreement that we feel moves Maine forward,” said Fredette.

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