Jake Hodgdon is part stand-up comedian. Part handyman. Part reality TV star.

Part monkey victim.

It’s a lot of parts, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. Well, except maybe for the part where he’s intimidated by Tanjo, a 12-pound spider monkey. But he’s working on that. 

As a seasonal handyman at DEW Haven in Mount Vernon, Maine, Hodgdon helps make sure the animal sanctuary is in good shape. It’s important work for DEW.

And it’s comedy gold for Animal Planet’s “Yankee Jungle,” the reality TV show that is filmed there.

Name: Jake Hodgdon


Age: Seriously?! Old enough to know better . . . but I still don’t!

Town: Falmouth

Married/single/relationship: Happily married to the hottest bride in the 207!

Job: Seasonal employee (handyman) at DEW Haven. Full-time stand-up comedian.

Whats it like to do the DEW? Doing the DEW is a truly unique and awesome experience! I fit in comfortably with most of the animals. If I had my own animal habitat at DEW Haven, I could easily pass for an albino Sasquatch! This would be a lot of fun, but it may scare the children and I don’t think that I could get used to eating raw meat for breakfast every day.

Is “Yankee Jungle” scripted or do they just point and shoot (and hope you do something funny/don’t get eaten by a tiger)? There is very little scripting if any with the TV show. There are more than enough interesting things going on at DEW Haven on a daily basis for the production company to film without the need for scripting. The animals are fun and unpredictable. They all provide something new and entertaining each and every day . . . as does Bob (Miner, the owner)! As long as I respect the animals, what they are capable of and don’t do anything too stupid, I have a better chance of winning the lottery than getting eaten by a tiger. There are endless safety rules that all volunteers, employees, paying customers and production crew members at DEW Haven must follow. If you disrespect the animals or the safety rules in any way, you’re sent packing in a hurry . . . without your lunch or a tissue!


Which is harder, stand-up comedy or dealing with wild animals? Tough question. Both can be a major challenge! I would compare trying to become friends with and get inside the mind of Tanjo, the spider monkey, to performing stand-up comedy for 90 minutes in a sweltering hot room in front of a completely drunk audience of only 10 people who don’t speak your language.

Who is your favorite animal at DEW Haven? Merida the snow monkey is my new favorite animal at DEW. She loves grooming people. Normally when I show up for work in the morning, I’m in need of a good grooming session after a long and late night of telling fart jokes. She grooms me and makes me look pretty (which is challenging to say the least). If she’s lucky, during the grooming session she may find a few insects in my beard or in my hair. Then its a win-win situation. I feel better about my appearance and she gets a snack for her efforts.

Who is your least favorite animal at DEW? I don’t dislike any of the animals at DEW, but there is one in particular that torments me on a regular basis. That would be Tanjo, the 12-pound spider monkey. He intimidates me. I’m working hard on becoming his friend. It’s a bit embarrassing to admit since I’m 6 feet tall, I weigh over 200 pounds and I’m fairly able, but I’m scared to death of this little guy! I wouldn’t get inside of his enclosure with him on a triple-dog-dare bet. I have to pay close attention and respect boundaries when I’m around him.

Are you really as handy as you seem on the show? I’m pretty handy. I’ve been a carpenter, painter, commercial fisherman, woodsman, farmer, bartender and a punching bag for tens of thousands of often-drunk audience members at comedy shows. I’m a “Jack of all trades, master of few” kind of guy. Over the years I’ve gathered enough knowledge to be able to repair or build anything within reason. I repair my feelings and my shot-down ego on a daily basis. Oh yeah, and I make a mean Mai Tai drink!

Favorite “Yankee Jungle” moment? My favorite YJ moment was when I built a tire swing for the black bears and they absolutely loved it! They haven’t stopped playing on it since we installed it in their habitat. It made me feel confident about my ideas with animal enrichment projects. Next up, a condo complex for the primates, complete with a swimming pool, steam room and bar/restaurant. If they don’t like it, it will make for some great living quarters for the DEW Haven handyman!

Best funny animal of all time — Mister Ed, Eddie from Frasier or Kermit the frog? No question, it’s Mister Ed! How can you beat a talking horse?! Mister Ed has long since passed, but I see now that his grandson is carrying on his legacy by doing commercials on TV with a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model. In some very exotic locations, might I add! Pretty sweet life. Makes me wish I were a talking horse instead of just a talking head.

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