AUBURN — The Butterfly Release Celebration is a unique opportunity to remember and honor the memory of loved ones by dedicating a butterfly.
The 2015 Celebration will begin at 11 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 8, at The Hospice House on Stetson Road in Auburn. A rain date of Aug. 9 is set should it be required.
Guests will share memories, enjoy music and light refreshments. The highlight of the celebration will be the mass release of hundreds of butterflies. This year, the Butterfly Release will be recognizing 10 years of caring and compassion at the Hospice House.
All community members are welcome to dedicate a butterfly in memory of a loved one. No prior affiliation with hospice is needed.
The names of those being honored will be read at the event and listed in the program booklet. There will also be a raffle table as well as kids’ crafts the day of the event.
Butterfly dedications are $25 each, one name per butterfly and all proceeds directly support Hospice patient care and family support services for those in need.
Dedications must be received before July 24 for inclusion in the program booklet.
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