This is in response to the article, “Lewiston paid trash program advances” (May 13).

Of the real estate taxes I pay every year, the only direct benefit I receive is the weekly trash pickup — which is in jeopardy.

Ed Barrett estimates the new program would cover the costs of trash collections, which is about $1.2 million a year. That would represent about $1 million in revenue and about $200,000 in savings on trash tipping fees. In other words, our elected officials want to take a million dollars out of the pockets of the residents of Lewiston.

Now, I really like this part, that savings “could” (not would) be used to pay down the city’s tax rate. That would be a savings of between $66 and $99 in property taxes on a $150,000 home. The estimated cost of a 30-gallon bag is $2. Let’s say a family fills one bag a week; that’s a cost of $104 per year. No savings for homeowners.

Unless those bags are bird- and animal-proof, there is bound to be bags ripped open and trash everywhere. Who is going to be responsible for the cleanup? I think I know the answer.

The estimated savings would be a direct cost to Lewiston residents and would probably end up in the general fund and become discretionary spending for those who are considering the change.

I don’t know how much more Lewiston councilors think they can take away from residents. Perhaps the good news is that there is not much left to take.

Richard Smith, Lewiston

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