My letter (May 2) regarding the proposed school budget was deemed as worst-case scenario conclusions, not fact, by Jennifer Michaelis of Auburn (letter, May 9).

She needs to check her facts before accusing someone else.

I spoke with Thomas Jarvis, assistant superintendent, and two school committee members prior to writing my letter. Bill Webster, Lewiston School superintendent, also stated at a school board meeting that the increase in staff would only affect the system-wide numbers and not the numbers in the individual classes.

The other facts were gathered by speaking with administrative staff, teachers, attending school committee meetings and having worked for the school department in Lewiston for 26 years.

Writing letters to the editor is not something I take lightly. I have written many letters and always get my facts on issues that I feel need addressing further or need clarification.

Citizens deserve to know all the underlying results of their actions and not just the surface, sound-good, get-it-passed information the public is often given.

Jacqueline Smith, Lewiston

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