Finally, a breath of fresh air.

I refer to letters to the editor from Kayla Quesnel (April 26) and Richard Whiting (May 2). Both writers show intelligence and common sense — unlike a freshman Maine senator who wishes to do away with mandatory use of seat belts for adults, although he admits they save lives. Additionally, he does not support a bill banning hand-held cellphone use while driving, although he admits distracted driving causes fatalities.

Does he wish to see more people harmed?

When a distracted driver endangers their own welfare, that is their choice; however, when it endangers me or others — that is criminal.

As Quesnel noted, stiff penalties are needed to ensure that drivers obey the law. Yet, some lawmakers decry stiff penalties.

As for the proposed elimination of permits to carry concealed weapons, I agree with Whiting that it is an extremely bad idea.

More people similar to Quesnel and Whiting are needed in Augusta — persons who represent the views of their constituents.

Where have the statesmen gone? Sad, isn’t it.

Richard Jensen, Minot

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