I picked up the Sun Journal this morning (March 27) and there, on the front page, I read how the “‘Honest Pint’ bill passes in House.” I simply cannot believe that representatives would approve a bill so ludicrous.

If a consumer cannot police his own purchases, I guess we need to pay lawmakers to make sure we get enough beer in our mugs. And if they can’t do it, let’s pay the liquor inspectors to police restaurants and bars, measuring the size of beer mugs and how much is going into them. Oh, and the head doesn’t count, right?

I am certainly sorry that time is wasted on such nonsense and that a senator from my district (John Patrick, D-Rumford) would think his constituents are so stupid that he needs to makes sure they get enough beer.

I hope that many others are as disgusted as I am with what goes on at the Maine Legislature.

Jane Mickeriz, Peru

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