This is in response to Leonard Pitts’ column “Ignoring something doesn’t make it go away” (March 19).

While the rest of the country mocks Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s absurd banning of the terms “global warming” and “climate change,” we’re really not much better.

This country has done almost nothing about the coming crisis, and time is quickly running out to avoid “catastrophic” global warming, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

There is a simple and realistic way to transition to clean energy, and it will be good for the economy. There is no downside. Nine Nobel economists agree, and it’s been successful in British Columbia for six years. Put an escalating carbon pollution fee on all fossil fuels (and imports from carbon polluters from China until they cut their emissions) and rebate those fees, 100 percent, to every American, every month, in equal amounts. People will switch to clean energy because it’s cheaper and they’ll buy U.S. products because their rebate money will make them affordable.

Ordinary Americans will make a profit while transitioning to renewable energy.

No government regulations, expansion or expenditures. It’s revenue-neutral.

According to Regional Economic Models Inc., clean energy will create 2.8 million U.S. jobs (net), add $75-80 billion annually to GDP while cutting carbon emissions in half in less than 20 years.

The Citizens Climate Lobby website is a source for more information. Let’s do this.

Lynn Goldfarb, Lancaster, Pa.

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