100 years ago, 1915
Colonel Osgood of Lewiston arrived home Wednesday at six o’clock after a record trip from San Francisco, in 120 hours. In fact the excellent adjustment of route and changes of trains enabled Colonel Osgood to arrive in Boston one train ahead of the United States mail that left San Francisco at the same time. He found business much the same in the West as in the East. The exposition is a work of wonder, but the exhibits were not all in order at the time he was there.

50 years ago, 1965
A six year old Auburn boy was rescued from the icy waters of Taylor Brook this afternoon. He was pulled to safety by two employees of the nearby Donnell-Bixby Co. He was rushed to the Central Maine General Hospital for treatment by Officer Robert Tiner after the boy was pulled to safety by Leon Baril of 69 James St., Auburn, and Maurice Mathieu of 32 Jenkins Ave., Lewiston. Baril told Journal Photographer George Wardwell that he heard a woman scream for help and dashed to the rear of the plant and saw the boy floundering in the water. He plunged into the water and held the boy’s head above the surface. Mathieu then edged out onto the brook ice and aided both to safety. Also rescued was the boy’s pet dog. Officer Tiner reported from the hospital that the boy was being treated for shock and cold. He appeared to be in fairly good condition, it was reported.

25 years ago, 1990
A new office designed to guide victims of domestic violence through the court system opened about two weeks ago in a vacant room at 8th District Court on Park Street, Lewiston. Although the court is donating space to the office, it is run by a private, non-profit agency, the Abused Women’s Advocacy Project in Auburn. Jennifer Viger, community response coordinator for AWAP who heads the office, said its function is to provide information and support to women who want to get legal protection from abuse and to help educate the community about the problems of domestic violence.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be edited.

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