SMART Assets: Employee Development and the Return on Investment

April 9th, 2015 5pm – 7pm

Mt. Blue Campus, 129 Seamon Rd. Farmington

This Business After Hours provides an opportunity

to network and a professional development workshop.

Networking from 5pm to 6pm


SMART Assets workshop from 6pm to 7pm

Topics will include:

? The cost of not developing your people

? Succession planning & developing talent from within

? Strategies for getting started and free resources

Franklin County Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours co-hosted by:


WMCA Career Center Services

Greater Franklin Development Corporation

Franklin County Community College Network

Enjoy refreshments created by the Foster CTE Center Culinary Arts students.

For more information contact the Chamber at: 

P.O. Box 123 • 615 Wilton Rd., Farmington, ME 04938 • • (207) 778-4215

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