The question is: to share, or not to share.

In my opinion, Gov. Paul LePage has the right idea of holding back revenue sharing. That being said, not all municipalities should be penalized. The smaller towns and cities — that ones that realize who pays the bills and cannot put any more burden on their taxpayers — still deserve their share.

The larger cities, whose non-taxpaying management are not at all responsible in their spending, should not — but not at the expense of the taxpayers. Middle and upper management should be trimmed to realistic levels.

And in Lewiston, every truck in the fleet should not be replaced when the economy is in the toilet. Public Works officials complain about not enough personnel to plow the streets, but everyone has a new truck. There are 12 salt trucks on the road but, not that long ago, Lewiston had only five. City vehicles still go home to other towns after work — on taxpayer gas.

Before former City Administrator Jim Bennett, Lewiston had more than 80 Public Works employees; there are less than half that now, yet management has doubled in size.

Residents should take a good look at Lewiston. It is pathetic, to say the least.

Mayor Robert Macdonald and I need to talk. He was given the wrong information.

Bob Pelletier, Lewiston

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