Scott Gray is an outstanding citizen and a strong selectman. He is not politics-as-usual. He believes the town belongs to the residents and that he represents them and their best interests.

He has been, and will be, an open ear for the citizens of Chesterville, despite taking a lot of pressure through the year for hearing the public’s complaints.

He protects a person’s privacy, despite being told again and again, if the complainant will not come forward, then there is not a complaint. Scott has earned his respect and the people’s trust.

Gray has been following Chesterville’s politics for years, attending and speaking out at selectmen’s meetings prior to be becoming a selectman. He is involved, informed and a very strong voice for the citizens of Chesterville. He is fiscally responsible and looks at the long-term benefits of money being spent.

I will vote for Scott Gray.

Guy Iverson, Chesterville

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