This is in response to William Sullivan’s letter, printed Feb. 28. It got me inspired.

I would like to run as his vice presidential candidate. I am a woman, a married conservative and, most importantly, a Christian. So, here is what I will go with for the campaign (to gain liberal media support).

I will claim to be a progressive lesbian who loves all faiths equally, diversity being my number one goal. I will free the rest of the mistreated terrorists at Gitmo (a real priority, that one).

I have no experience but I will speak smoothly and smile so very arrogantly. Whatever the masses wish to hear, I will speak.

I’ll work with the elites in Hollywood (very helpful). I’ll vote to take away arms from law-abiding American citizens so as not to upset the black-masked guys who are slaughtering unarmed, chained captives — burning and beheading as they go.

Yeah, Mr. Sullivan we would be unstoppable. Which is so very sad.

Brenda Bussiere, Turner

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