JAY — Spruce Mountain High School has announced the following happenings at the school for the week of Feb. 28 through March 7.
Benefit supper
RSU 73 School District is sponsoring a benefit spaghetti supper for Bryan Riley to help raise $40,000 to buy him a robotic arm. Bryan has muscular dystrophy.
The supper will be held from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 28, in the SMHS cafeteria. There will also be a quilt raffle, a 50/50 raffle and theme basket raffles. The cost of the supper is $6 per person or $20 for a family.
Winter sports banquet
The Spruce Mountain High School winter sports banquet honoring the athletes from skiing, cheering and basketball will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 5, in the gym.
Note the time change that was originally 6 p.m. All athletes and their families are invited.
One-act play
The Drama one-act play competitions will be held at 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 28, at Skowhegan High School. The students will perform “The Homecoming.”
The play is set in 1949 in Southville. The Franklin family is gathering for a family reunion. The unexpected guest shakes the family to its core. “The Homecoming” will be performed for the community after the Maine Drama Festival competition.
Senior scholarships
Brooke Bernier, guidance counselor, will meet with the entire senior class on Tuesday, March 3, to discuss scholarships. Applications will be available on that day.
NAEP testing
A majority of the senior class will take the National Assessment of Educational Progress test on Friday, March 6. This test compares the Maine results with the rest of the United States.
Cathy Nichols benefit supper
The staff and friends of Cathy Nichols will sponsor a benefit spaghetti supper from 4 to 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 7, in the Spruce Mountain High School cafeteria. Nichols is fighting cancer. T-shirts are also being sold with all proceeds to benefit Cathy.
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