So, Brian Williams confuses the reality he needs for self-aggrandizement with the reality that life gives him. Easy enough to do, given the human species’ propensity to indulge in little spasms of imaginary what-ifs.

Trouble is, liberals routinely let slip the line that keeps those dreamscapes safely tethered.

Liberals believe that their words – even their lies – spoken aloud, remake reality (if you like your insurance policy, you can keep it; or ISIS has absolutely nothing to do with Islam). Only rarely will one of them get called out, like Williams.

A cozy menage among academics, bureaucrats, Democratic politicians and media types gives liberals such as Williams a false sense of security: If Williams fails at one role, one of the other roles will welcome him.

The false nature of this seemingly secure arrangement lies in the damage that liberal falsehoods do to America, the intricate, fragile life support mechanism. America has built itself up to the point where it sustains a fatuous ruling class that feels free to ignore work-a-day realities. Liberals believe they can speak new realities into existence, a feat previously limited solely to the divine being’s august pronouncements. Liberals seem so surprised when that does not work and ISIS remains full of Salafi Muslims.

Lies, whether from a newsreader or a president, destroy the ability to effectively engage reality. It is not too late. America may yet wake up and reject the liberal notion that spoken words, even lies, magically remake reality.

Leonard Hoy, Greenwood

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