Recently, I have been reading articles concerning the purchasing of waste bags with the idea that residents of Lewiston-Auburn would do a better job of recycling if they had to buy bags for trash. The percentage of people recycling is extremely low.

I believe that the frequency of pickup is a huge factor. If the recyclables were collected every week, it would soon become a habit. As it is, people can’t keep track of the exact date of pickup, so they don’t bother. I have known people who missed recycling day, or who have put it out on the wrong day. They then have to save it for another week.

I have recycled since the program began. The recycling truck comes by on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. Many times we collect three weeks’ worth before it is picked up. Because of Christmas falling on the fourth Thursday, we accumulated the recyclables for five weeks and there was even more than usual to be recycled.

Being a senior citizen, I find that to be a hardship. My waste barrel has wheels; the recycling bucket and the numerous boxes and bags needed to hold it all do not. Just three weeks’ worth of newspapers can become very heavy. I have been tempted many times just to throw it all in the waste. It would be much easier.

A weekly schedule of recycling would be much easier and result in many more people taking part in the program.

Glenys Ryder, Danville

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