Shannon and Jason


WHITEFIELD, N.H. — The wedding of Shannon Nicole Smith and Jason Daniel Gousse was held at 4 p.m. on Sept. 20 at the White Mountains at the Mountain View Grand Resort in Whitefield, N.H. Michael Wiater officiated the ceremony.

The bride is the daughter of Reed Smith and Karen Haberly of Wellesley, Mass., and Terry Smith and Roger Turner of Hudson, N.H. The bridegroom is the son of Dan and Diane Gousse of Wales and Don and Kathy Arsenault of Lewiston.

The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore an ivory gown with lace and carried a flower bouquet of burgundy and white roses, dahlias and Calla lilies.

Chrys Doyle, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. Dear friends Sherri Snow and Sandra Abensohn were maids of honor. Bridesmaids were Jennifer Gousse, sister-in-law of the bride, and friends Vanessa Sawtell Jones , Diana Smith Kristen Swindle, Shannon Tanguay and Christina Wiater.


Chris Gousse, brother of the bridegroom, and Tom Tanguay, good friend of the bridegroom, were best men. Groomsmen were long-time friends, Dave Beaudin, Zack Delehanty, Frank Gatto, Tim Gatto, Chris Richards and brother of the bride Cory Smith. Ushers were Cole and Carter Smith, brothers of the bride.

Twins Bailey Gousse, niece of the bridegroom, was the flower girl and Haiden Gousse was the ring bearer.

A reception followed in the ballroom at the White Mountain Grand Resort. They will honeymoon in the Maldives. The couple resides in Medford, Mass.

The bride received her degree from Boston University and is a wealth planning analyst at UBS Financial Services in Boston.

The bridegroom attended the University of Maine in Orono and the University of Southern Maine and is a global sourcing manager at Keurig Coffee in Burlington, Mass.

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