Industry Community Kitchen socials

INDUSTRY — Upcoming dates for the Industry Community Kitchen socials are Thursdays, Jan. 8 and 22 and Feb. 5 and 19.

Socials are from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Industry Town Hall and include a free lunch.

Free community luncheon Jan. 10

FARMINGTON — The Old South First Congregational Church will serve its monthly free community luncheon at noon Saturday, Jan. 10, at the church, 227 Main St.

The menu consists of American chop suey, cole slaw and mystery dessert.


For delivery service in the Farmington area, call the church office during the week at 778-0424 or the kitchen on the morning of the luncheon at 778-4438.

North Chesterville Homemakers meet

CHESTERVILLE — The North Chesterville Extension Homemakers will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 15, in the Chesterville Town Office.

Members will set a theme for the Franklin County Extension Homemakers spring meeting to be held on May 13. The group also will plan the free senior citizen Valentine luncheon to be held at noon Thursday, Feb. 12, in the Chesterville Town Office.

All meetings are free and the public is cordially invited. Remember to bring ideas. For more information, call 778-3156.

College planning workshop is Jan. 15


WILTON — The Maine Educational Opportunity Center will hold a free workshop, “Essentials of College Planning,” for adults 19 and over at 10 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 15, at Wilton Career Center, 865 US Route 2E.

The starting point for all MEOC participants is The Essentials of College Planning, a free interactive workshop that outlines the four steps in the college process: admissions, financial aid, career planning and study skills.

The workshop lasts approximately two to three hours. Pre-registration is required.

All MEOC services are free. They include GED/SAT preparation, college planning, referrals/advocacy, career advising, financial aid advising, college admissions process and applications for fee waivers for qualified adults.

To register or for more information, call 1-800-281-3703 or visit

Supper at American Legion planned


LIVERMORE FALLS — George Bunten Post 10, American Legion, will hold a supper from 4:30 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 17, at the hall at 17 Reynolds Ave. Cost for adults is $7; kids under 12, $4. Menu includes homemade baked beans, red hot dogs, biscuits, fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, assorted casseroles and vegetables, desserts and coffee.

Delivery is available to local addresses.

For more information, contact Jocelyn Mosher-Collins, adjutant, at 779-7345.

Public supper at Masonic Hall

WILTON — A public supper will be held from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 17, at the Harland M. Harnden Masonic Hall, 70 Bryant Road in East Wilton. This supper will benefit the building fund.

The menu will be turkey pie, squash, cranberry jell, rolls, dessert and beverages. Cost is $8 for adults and $5 for those under 12.


For more information, call 778-2354.

Grange seeks work day volunteers

FARMINGTON — Farmington Grange is looking for volunteers for a work day on Saturday, Jan. 17.

The Farmington Grange has tons of things on its to-do list, and not enough workers, so the members have decided to have a work day and invite anyone who wants to, to come and help out.

Along with projects like laying a floor in the kitchen,and finishing up the second storage cooler, the entire building needs cleaning inside. Many of the antique oak chairs need regluing, records need filing and storage areas need straightening.

The hours will be from 7 a.m. to 3 pm, with a potluck lunch. Folks are invited to come and go whenever it is convenient for them. People should bring hand tools or cleaning supplies like mops, rags and dusters. A couple of hand trucks would also be useful. A vacuum is also needed.

In case of snow storm, the work day will be held Jan. 24. For more information, call Bonnie Clark, 778-1416.

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