Presenting a photo ID for voting has been deemed discriminatory and racist. This has been a position held by Democrats, particularly, and is reflected in voting laws.

It is difficult to understand their reasoning, since presenting a photo ID is not held as discriminatory or racist when it is required in many other instances.

In my personal experience, I have needed a photo ID for the purchase of airplane, bus and train tickets; to rent a car; to purchase a gun; to open a bank account; to cash a check; or to rent a hotel room. There are numerous other situations requiring a positive identification.

The Maine welfare system issues electronic benefit transfer cards which have been, at times, misused, sold or traded. In Maine, each card has a food supplement benefit and a cash benefit. Gov. Paul LePage wants a photo on a person’s card to lessen the abuse.

Is it a surprise that a Democrat-dominated federal agency tells Maine officials that a photo ID on EBT cards is a bad idea and threatens to cut off funding? Do the feds want to protect the abusers and allow taxpayers’ money to be spent on booze, tobacco, narcotics and other unhealthy pursuits? Is that how Democrats gain the favor of those voters?

There is nothing wrong with requiring proof of identity when needed. It is an impediment to those who want to skirt the law.

Thomas Shields, Auburn

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