100 years ago, 1914
A 19-year-old Lewiston man was charged in municipal court with stealing a turkey and 21 cans of corn from the refrigerator of a Knox street resident. Several witnesses had told the court that they were with the man Wednesday night and that he disappeared for a few moments and then returned with a turkey and several cans of corn. He admitted taking the corn and some steak but denied all knowledge of the bird.

50 years ago, 1964
Two Auburn police officers took a couple of hours from their regular routine today to take an icy mid-morning dip in the frigid waters of two abandoned feldspar mines on Auburn’s Mt. Apatite. In recent years, several abandoned mines and quarries in the Mt. Apatite area have become favorite dumping grounds for unwanted automobiles, particularly those that have been stolen. The search revealed nothing and officials were satisfied that the abandoned mines hold no secrets.

25 years ago, 1989
A blaze that began in a pile of demolition wood Sunday and may burn for several days is a reincarnation of fires that occurred in Lewiston months ago, “They came hack to haunt us,” Deputy Chief Brad Dupile said Monday of the relationship of previous fires to the one on the grounds of FTI Limited Partnership. FTI is a wood-chipping plant on Cottage Road. Dupile said wood buried in the huge “mountain” of demolition material on the five acres surrounding the plant came from other fires in the area such as the one on Bartlett and Walnut streets in February. “It’s been smoldering for months and months,” Dupile said. Tunnels made by rats could have provided oxygen for the fire.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be edited.

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