Bag Lady and Shopping Siren do not want to alarm you, but WE MIGHT RUN OUT OF CHOCOLATE.

Or we might not.

Last week there were conflicting reports.

One story from Bloomberg quoted candy-makers Mars and Barry Callebaut who say we’re on such a ravenous chocolate-eating tear that there could be a 2-million-ton, worldwide chocolate deficit by 2030.

A follow-up story in USA Today quoted the International Cocoa Association saying there’s very little to worry about. They’ve got our chocolate backs covered.

Um. So to speak.

BL and SS are inclined to believe the latter story versus the wild claims of companies that only benefit by frightening us into buying more chocolate. So this week we went out and shopped for …

Basically, we fell for it. A chocolate trap. A trap of sheer deliciousness. 


* Choconchoc milk chocolate and white chocolate snowman, T.J. Maxx, $3.99

Happy-looking white chocolate snowman wearing a pink hat and scarf and standing against a milk chocolate background. Handmade in Great Britain, which means he’ll doff his hat in a gentlemanly way and ask you over for a spot of tea. We assume.

Also: T.J. Maxx now sells kayaks. In the purse section. That makes sense why? Talk amongst yourselves.

* Harry Potter chocolate frog, Sweets & Treats (Auburn Mall), $4

For fans of Happy Potter, frogs or chocolate. A triple threat.

* Hickory Farms’ Signature Chocolate Collection, Hickory Farms, $20

A red box laden with one pound of dark chocolate sea salt caramels and other rich delectables. In related news, the annual HF storefront is back in the Auburn Mall. Woooo!*

* The sound of grandparents and grandparent gift-givers everywhere cheering.

* Cucina Aurora double chocolate hazelnut cookie mix, Sweets & Treats, $10

Gluten-free. Chocolate. Cookies. If there’s something wrong there, we don’t want to be right.

* Chocolate-covered Swedish fish, Sweets & Treats, $3.50/quarter pound

Shopping Siren is not a fan of Swedish fish. However, she is likely the only one in the whole world.* So munch away! And leave all the other chocolate to her. Bwahahaha!

* Bag Lady suspects this is totally true.

* Magnat chocolate-filled faux-wine bottles, T.J. Maxx, $5.99

Choose hazelnut or caramel chocolates, then choose who among your fabulous friends most needs a chocolate-filled faux-wine bottle. We bet it’s Emily. She’s looked stressed all month. We’re just sayin’.

* Christmas tree pretzel pops, Ella’s Chocolates (online only), $4.50

Sweet, salty and seasonal. Comes as a three-pack. We won’t tell if you gift it as a two-pack and keep a tree for yourself.

* Cake bombs, Maine Gourmet Chocolates, $0.85

“Cake” and “bomb” already make for a magical pairing. Said cake bits are “mixed with frostings and then dipped in chocolate,” according to MGC’s website.

Best find: Williams & Bennett chocolate-covered Oreos, T.J. Maxx, $4.99

Wrapped in colorful, holiday-themed foil, these six Belgian chocolate-drenched Oreos are the perfect little host or hostess gift for that holiday party you’ve been looking forward to all year long. Or the one you’ve been dreading. Really, all of the parties. Especially ours. We’ll be waiting at the door, at the ready.

Think twice: Feeling rapacious? Williams & Bennett sells a jar of 75 of these cookies for $110 on its website. Unless you’re a family of 30 or so, we wouldn’t recommend it. But, wow, it’s the stuff chocolate dreams are made of.

Bag Lady and Shopping Siren’s true identities are protected by a pair of stylish, sweater-wearing Doberman pinschers (who prefer bacon for sheer deliciousness) and the Customer Service counter at the Sun Journal. You can reach them at and

Williams & Bennett Belgian Chocolate Drenched Oreo Snowflake Pack

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