Despite our high hopes for his success, Barack Obama’s administration has been the most corrupt in history. The man is either incompetent, or sinister — or both.

Obama’s disregard for the rule of law is proved by his many scandals, any one of which would have caused a Republican to be impeached on the spot: the IRS scandal; “fast and furious”; illegal immigration; Benghazi and the Susan Rice videogate; the killings at Fort Hood (dismissed by Obama as “workplace violence”); foreign and domestic drone strikes; bombings in seven countries; and now his refusal to stop flights from West Africa to protect the U.S.A. — and the world — from the spread of the deadly Ebola virus.

Obama bragged about subverting the Constitution by “a pen and a phone,” showing contempt for the very instrument that legalized him as president.

What is this Marxist doing in the White House? More pointedly, why isn’t Congress doing its duty by impeaching him?

Maybe U.S. citizens need to impeach Congress in the next elections until members get the message that if they won’t do their duty to save the public’s liberties and the Republic, American citizens will.

Robert Bruce Acheson, Dixfield

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