WOODSTOCK — The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously Tuesday evening to donate $100 Telstar Regional Middle/High School students sending care packages to troops overseas.

Town Manager Vern Maxfield said the school reached out to towns in SAD 44 to see if they could collectively raise $200 to cover postage for the packages.

“I’m interested in sending any amount of money,” Chairman Victor Young said. “Do you guys want to do $50? $75? $100? I’ll do anything. I think it’s a great thing that they’re doing.”

Selectman Ron Deegan agreed, saying, “The students there are doing a great thing for the people overseas, protecting our freedoms.”

The board agreed to donate $100.

In other business, the board unanimously voted to accept a letter of resignation from Planning Board Vice Chairman Tom Hartford, who cited personal reasons.


Chairman Jen Chase said she’s not too worried about Hartford’s resignation, since the Planning Board will still have a quorum.

“However, I said originally that I’d do two years as chairman for the board, and after that, the board would need a Plan B,” Chase said. “We’re almost at the two-year mark, and I’m not sure if they’ve discussed anything about replacing me. If there’s no replacement, then there’s the potential for two openings. But right now, everything is OK.”

The board also discussed the progress of construction on Concord Pond Road.

Maxfield said at a previous selectmen meeting that three miles of the dirt Concord Pond Road is in Woodstock and for the past two years, the town reclaimed and resurfaced two of the three miles.

“Within those three miles are two small streams, and one of them has become a problem,” Maxfield said. “There’s a certain point in the stream where there’s a 90-degree turn, and instead of turning, the water goes straight across the road. It seems like we’re fixing that section of the road on a semiannual basis.”

Maxfield said Tuesday that the road appears to be in “very good shape” heading into the winter, and that there is a “little money left in our budget to carry over next year.

“That leftover money will go toward culvert work,” Maxfield said. “We should probably budget some money for the next fiscal year to cover any additional work.”


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