On Nov. 4, people should vote with senior citizens on their minds.

Statistically, Maine is the oldest state in the nation, so it is essential that policies that empower seniors are supported. That includes securing the long-term survival of Social Security.

Seniors spend their entire working lives paying into the system under the promise that, when the time comes, their hard work would pay off. Social Security is a promise that needs to be kept, and seniors have more than earned it. In addition, Social Security benefits should never be taxed and payments should be kept up with inflation.

Seniors should be able to maintain their independence. Caregivers are an often-overlooked component of the health field.

I worked part-time as a caregiver while I was in college, and it was a valuable experience. It may surprise some people just how many caregivers are family members. Caregivers are helping seniors live at home, and state officials should look into expanding successful caregiver programs. That not only improves quality of life, but it saves taxpayers from nursing home costs.

Financial security is a huge concern. Seniors shouldn’t have to struggle just to make ends meet. Seniors on fixed incomes face rising heating bills. As oil prices rise, seniors on a fixed income are hit the hardest.

Property taxes are a big concern. Creative new sources of revenue need to be found to prevent tax increases that make it more difficult for seniors to keep their homes.

Luke Jensen, Lewiston

Editor’s note: Luke Jensen is the Republican candidate for House District 58.

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