POLAND — The Conservation Commission has a chance to acquire the Furman property, the key to developing a town hiking trail system, but needs to raise $32,800 by the end of October.

“That’s a short time to raise that kind of money,” Fred Huntress, commission co-chairman, said, “but this is too good a thing to pass up.”

Huntress, a professional forester, has had his eye on the 32-acre property for some time.

“Without the Furman lot, all you have is two dead ends to a trail system that could go all the way from the library to the high school,” he said.

The town owns 93 acres running from behind the Ricker Library to the town’s Transfer Station and right in the middle of it, bordered on its southerly, northerly and easterly sides, sits the Furman property.

The lot, Huntress pointed out, has several old logging roads which fit in well the proposed trail system.


“A scenic cave in a ledge provides a focal point for one trail and a small stand of white oaks, uncommon and my favorite, is on another trail,” Huntress said.

Last spring, Huntress met with Jennifer Furman and told her what he thought of the property’s potential. A few months later, according to Huntress, he heard from Furman.

“She had the property appraised at $65,600 and came in with an offer. She would donate half the value, provided the town raises the other $32,800.”

Furman also wanted to complete the deal this year and when Huntress and Co-chairman Don Stover approached selectmen with this information, they were told there was no money in the budget but they fully backed the effort to raise it privately.

Stover said more than $8,000 has been raised from citizens and businesses, including members of the Board of Selectmen and the Conservation Commission.

The town is sending out fliers seeking donations. They should be in mailboxes by Monday.

“I know there are a lot of causes looking for money now,” Huntress said, “but this is a one-shot deal, a chance to lock up a piece of land forever, for us and our children’s children. A forever deal.”

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