
James Bradley

Email address

Party affiliation



Legislative chamber

Maine House

Legislative district


Occupation or primary source of income

Staff associate for Teacher Education and Student Success


Community organizations

Chapter president, Universities of Maine Professional Staff Association (previously state president); Associated COLT Staff of the Universities of Maine; board member, Maine Education Association Higher Education Council; chair, Mechanic Falls Democratic Municipal Committee; caucus chair, Mechanic Falls Democratic Party; Mechanic Falls Budget Committee

Personal information (hobbies, activities etc.)

Enjoy camping, fishing and spending time with friends and family. Currently pursuing graduate degree which consumes most of my free time.

Family status



Years in Legislature


Are you a Clean Election candidate?


Committee assignments you want

Education and Cultural Affairs; Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development; Appropriations and Financial Affairs.


Would you support expanding the state’s Medicaid program, MaineCare? Why or why not?

Absolutely. Health care is a fundamental right and we have a responsibility to provide it to the citizens of Maine. Gov. Paul LePage’s “War on the Poor” has no place in Maine and we must reject that the poor are less worthy of having access to health care than other people.

Should Maine follow the city of Portland’s lead and legalize the possession of limited amounts of marijuana for adults over the age of 21? Why or why not?

I do not have a position on this other than I would support it if the citizens of Maine approved it in a referendum.

Should the state of Maine continue to provide incentives for businesses and homeowners to convert or diversify energy sources to those considered renewable, like solar, wind and geothermal?

Yes. Energy concerns continue to be a challenge for business owners and homeowners alike and we must expand our use of renewable energy. I believe the more we can invest in renewable energy the more people will use it and that will, in turn, help to reduce the costs.


Maine’s minimum wage is $7.50 an hour. As a state lawmaker would you support increasing that minimum wage? If so, what should Maine’s minimum wage be?

I do support increasing the minimum wage, but would want to hear more from small businesses on the impact of doing so. At the very least, I believe the state should be able to increase it to $9.

What issue is the most important to voters in your legislative district?

The main issues that voters share with me is their concern over property taxes and welfare reform. Both of these are priorities for me if elected. We must fully fund municipal aid to stop the tax shift to property owners, and controlling welfare spending must also be a priority.

What about you makes you the man or woman for the job?

I have worked for 20 years in positions which have required me to help opposing sides find compromises. There is too much partisan politics in Augusta and I believe I have the experience, knowledge and skills to work with Democrats and Republicans alike to bring about positive changes in Augusta.


Describe yourself in a “Tweet”

We can’t keep sending the same people to Augusta and expecting things to change. James Bradley — New Leadership for a Better Maine!


Kathleen Dillingham

Email address


Party affiliation


Legislative chamber

Maine House

Legislative district



Occupation or primary source of income

Manager, Jackson’s Sugar House and Vegetable Stand

Community organizations

Norway/Paris Kiwanis; Town of Oxford Budget Committee; Town of Oxford Board of Appeals; East Oxford Cemetery Association

Personal information (hobbies, activities etc.)



Family status


Years in Legislature


Are you a Clean Election candidate?



Committee assignments you want

Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Veterans and Legal Affairs.

Would you support expanding the state’s Medicaid program, MaineCare? Why or why not?

Before making a decision, I would first want to see the expansion proposed, the estimated cost associated with an expansion, and where the funding would come from.

Should Maine follow the city of Portland’s lead and legalize the possession of limited amounts of marijuana for adults over the age of 21? Why or why not?

No. The state should not follow an initiative established by a single local government entity. As far as the legalization of marijuana, before making a decision I would want to see research as to the effects of secondhand smoke and the various proposed regulations associated with use.


Should the state of Maine continue to provide incentives for businesses and homeowners to convert or diversify energy sources to those considered renewable, like solar, wind and geothermal?

Before making a decision, I would want to see what incentives are proposed and at what levels.

Maine’s minimum wage is $7.50 an hour. As a state lawmaker would you support increasing that minimum wage? If so, what should Maine’s minimum wage be?

Before making a decision, I believe a hearing on the subject would be necessary. It is important to hear from Maine’s small businesses about how a mandated increase would effect them as employers.

What issue is the most important to voters in your legislative district?

The main theme I am hearing while campaigning is that we need sustainable jobs here in Western Maine.


What about you makes you the man or woman for the job?

I have many years of experience listening and assisting constituents. From that experience, I have learned that the majority of voters don’t care about the daily political gamesmanship in Augusta, they care about being able to pay their bills and care for their families. I will remember that while serving.

Describe yourself in a “Tweet”

I don’t tweet

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