
Mary-Vienessa Fernandes

Email address

Party affiliation



Legislative chamber

Maine House

Legislative district


Occupation or primary source of income

Direct support professional/ mental health


Community organizations

Food pantry volunteer, six years; Lakes Region Environmental Association; The American Legion-Auxiliary #115; Casco Selectboard since 2010, served as chairwoman and currently vice-chair.

Personal information (hobbies, activities etc.)

Reading, drawing, gardening, boating, traveling and sky-diving

Family status



Years in Legislature


Are you a Clean Election candidate?


Committee assignments you want

Education and Cultural Affairs; Health and Human Services; Environment and Natural Resources


Would you support expanding the state’s Medicaid program, MaineCare? Why or why not?

Yes. I would support the state’s Medicaid and MaineCare program. An ounce of prevention is less expensive than a cleanup. Studies indicate that, with health insurance availability, people and their children are prone to seek early medical preventive measures, such as screenings and other measures which will keep costs down.

Should Maine follow the city of Portland’s lead and legalize the possession of limited amounts of marijuana for adults over the age of 21? Why or why not?

Marijuana recreational use is not a violent crime. Many people have been imprisoned for years due to marijuana use. A far greater threat to our state is the consumption of opiates which do lead to violent crimes. The state of Maine has the highest opiate addiction in the U.S.

Should the state of Maine continue to provide incentives for businesses and homeowners to convert or diversify energy sources to those considered renewable, like solar, wind and geothermal?

Our global climate is ever-changing, including natural catastrophes, endangered species of all kinds and environmentally sensitive ecosystems. Energy efficient applications help to reduce the usage of fossil fuel consumption.


Maine’s minimum wage is $7.50 an hour. As a state lawmaker would you support increasing that minimum wage? If so, what should Maine’s minimum wage be?

Yes. I would support an increase in the minimum wage up to $10 per hour. The minimum wage hasn’t keep pace with the very high cost of living. Many people require two jobs to make ends meet in the state of Maine.

What issue is the most important to voters in your legislative district?

While campaigning and reaching out to my constituents, the lack of affordable housing for seniors and other Mainers, fuel costs and the unreasonable high costs of property taxes have been some of the loudest cries.

What about you makes you the man or woman for the job?

I am a good problem solver. I listen well and I make every attempt to bring perspective and accuracy to address issues. I will do my best to take into account everyone’s different needs. I am more interested in solving problems than battling ideology.


Describe yourself in a “Tweet”

I am the right person for the Job at this time


Michael McClellan

Email address


Party affiliation


Legislative chamber

Maine House

Legislative district



Occupation or primary source of income

Executive director, Maine SILC

Community organizations

Lewiston Root Cellar Board of Directors; Mechanic Falls Vineyard Church Deeper Worship Center, deacon.

Personal information (hobbies, activities etc.)

Family, running, hiking, camping, reading, volunteering.


Family status

Married to Michelle, children Maggie and Patrick

Years in Legislature


Are you a Clean Election candidate?



Committee assignments you want

Education and Cultural Affairs.

Would you support expanding the state’s Medicaid program, MaineCare? Why or why not?

No. We saw states that did expand — when we did not — immediately find themselves in major budget trouble. We cannot afford the “free” money Washington wants to send us. We need to help those who need our help. We need to value work again for all who can.

Should Maine follow the city of Portland’s lead and legalize the possession of limited amounts of marijuana for adults over the age of 21? Why or why not?

No. I am usually supportive of people making local choices. In this situation there is too much evidence telling me what will happen when we legalize it. I am not fighting this, but I will not support what legal pot would bring. Ask school officials what it does to kids.


Should the state of Maine continue to provide incentives for businesses and homeowners to convert or diversify energy sources to those considered renewable, like solar, wind and geothermal?

I am OK with this as long as it makes sense and does not simply help the fashionable “new, best ever” energy source of the moment. I think we need to look periodically to see if the results we are paying for match the expectations we set. Is it working?

Maine’s minimum wage is $7.50 an hour. As a state lawmaker would you support increasing that minimum wage? If so, what should Maine’s minimum wage be?

No. The minimum wage bill is for lazy politicians who have no real ideas. We know nationally that less than 1 percent of workers make minimum wage. If government taxes and mandates got out of the way of businesses, wages would go up, and employers would offer health coverage and other incentives.

What issue is the most important to voters in your legislative district?

Government spending. The more government adds, the more people have to pay in taxes and fees. I have seen many homes abandoned in my campaigning and know many people are fearful they will have to move. Government was meant to serve the people. Things have somehow flipped to be about government.


What about you makes you the man or woman for the job?

I work hard to stay in touch with my constituents, but even more important is that I have core values that guide everything I do. I look to the Lord and pray with others about the important work we are doing in Augusta.

Describe yourself in a “Tweet”

Mike is open to doing the hard job in Augusta many do not want to do. He is guided by his faith in God and his core values.


Lisa Willey


Email address

Party affiliation

Maine Green independent

Legislative chamber

Maine House


Legislative district


Occupation or primary source of income

Student at the University of Southern Maine.

Community organizations

4H, Friends of Casco Bay, Compost and Recycling at the Common Ground Country Fair.


Personal information (hobbies, activities etc.)

I am an environmental educator who enjoys teaching people about Maine’s natural resources. I have a small farm with chickens and we also process maple syrup. I enjoy learning new things, visiting museums and areas of natural history, and spending time with my family and friends.

Family status

Married, 3 children, 1 grandchild

Years in Legislature



Are you a Clean Election candidate?


Committee assignments you want

Health and Human Services; Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Energy, Utilities and Technology.

Would you support expanding the state’s Medicaid program, MaineCare? Why or why not?

Yes. Many families including my own have fallen “in the cracks” regarding health care and prevention. I think that we should consider offering free and low cost insurance, as some people can afford to pay a little for their insurance. Better yet: single payer health coverage.


Should Maine follow the city of Portland’s lead and legalize the possession of limited amounts of marijuana for adults over the age of 21? Why or why not?

I don’t have a strong feeling either way for recreational marijuana. I would like to see the legalization of hemp to revitalize our paper, textile and agricultural industry. It would create jobs and attract business.

Should the state of Maine continue to provide incentives for businesses and homeowners to convert or diversify energy sources to those considered renewable, like solar, wind and geothermal?

Yes. I can’t imagine why we wouldn’t. Alternative energy jobs and businesses are important for Maine’s economy, people and our natural resources.

Maine’s minimum wage is $7.50 an hour. As a state lawmaker would you support increasing that minimum wage? If so, what should Maine’s minimum wage be?

Yes. Why not start at $15? This is a more reasonable living wage. Families cannot survive on minimum wage.


What issue is the most important to voters in your legislative district?

Zoning, school consolidation and health care.

What about you makes you the man or woman for the job?

I am an independent voice for the people who have been frustrated by uncivil partisan politics and the inability of Augusta and Washington to make important decisions.

Describe yourself in a “Tweet”

I am a compassionate person, an educator and moderator. I love to learn new things and spend time with family and friends!

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