All too often, elected officials are not equipped with the skills and intestinal fortitude to act in a timely fashion when the risks are viewed as overwhelming. This non-leadership “laggard” characteristic is currently on display in the federal government and many state governments and local municipalities.

President Obama has been identified as having the attributes of a “laggard.” He exhibits the characteristics of a confused person in despair. He seeks “no brainer’ activities for relief. He has no strategy or implementation plan to address the faith-based Islamic terrorists who are already on this nation’s doorstep.

Although Obama has systemically flattered Muslims for their contributions, Christians and Jews have been paramount in developing America for more than 200 years. Islam must be respected on one hand and feared on the other.

Although freedom of religion is an American constitutional right, that “right” assumes a reciprocal agreement from each religious organization to honor the constitutional rights of other American citizens. Things are different now. Islamic faith-based terrorists will gladly die for Allah to kill and demonstrate their hate for Christians and Jews.

It is imperative that the U.S. identify and destroy Islamic sleeper cells, develop specific strategies and goals to defeat the faith-based terror threat and follow Great Britain Prime Minister David Cameron’s lead for comprehensive actions to defeat (not just contain) that fearless enemy.

Nationally, many Americans will not rest comfortably until Obama is out of office.

Len Greaney, Rumford

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