A meeting has been scheduled to take yet another vote on the Buckfield Rescue Department’s budget that was voted down in the annual town meeting. This new vote will be taken on Aug. 16.

The budget was sent to the selectmen to downsize some $50,000 from the requested amount. Why vote in the annual town meeting if in three months’ time selectmen are going to ask for another meeting?

Residents had the meeting, they voted; selectmen must now live with it.

If the selectmen cannot come to terms with the budget the town has voted on, then shut things down until they do. What is the point of an annual town meeting when, if they don’t like the outcome, they just keep calling meetings until they get what they want?

It is what it is. Move on and live with it.

I encourage each and every person who lives in Buckfield to show up at the meeting and vote on Aug. 16. Either people want to change what was voted on in June or they want to change it back to the original amount. Either way, residents need to show up and vote … yet again.

Penny Horsfall, Buckfield

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