This is in response to Mary Jane Newell’s letter (June 9).

She has joined Gov. Paul LePage, Lewiston Mayor Bob Macdonald and Tom Shields on the “it’s the liberals fault” for the problems Americans face. She accuses the liberals of trampling over the Bill of Rights and even the U.S. Constitution. She goes as far as saying, “conservatives are those who cherish religion,” suggesting that liberals don’t. Really?

Were conservatives outraged when President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney had Colin Powell, a decorated general, lie before the U.N. regarding the WMDs in Iraq?

Tragically, four American lives were lost in Bengazi. The Republicans are spending taxpayer dollars to get answers while, at the same time, they hide their corruption behind the Constitution when it comes to the lives lost to domestic terrorists and extremists here in the U.S.

How do conservatives weigh the loss of four lives against the thousands lost in Iraq and the hundreds lost here at home?

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that racism is over in America and that corporations are people. So corporations and individuals can contribute any amount of money to a political candidate. When a candidate takes that money, if he or she doesn’t vote the way the major contributor wants, the candidate surely will serve only one term.

As Newell tries to resolve how to stop the liberals from “treading over the Constitution and Bill of Rights,” she should consider that perhaps the Founding Fathers were considered liberals.

Norman Smith, Poland

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