This is in response to the letter from Rolande Caron (June 10).

The U.S.A. has been trading prisoners since the Civil War. They have to release all prisoners at the end of the year anyway.

I believe that leaving no enlisted person behind is a great idea. I would not like to be left behind.

I cannot see how the Republicans and some Democrats can criticize Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl unless they are willing to walk a mile in his shoes.

The reason the president made the trade for Bergdahl without congressional approval was because Bergdahl could have died waiting for Congress to act. Then Congress would have criticized Obama for not getting Bergdahl out.

I believe that most Republicans don’t like having a president of color, even though he was elected for two terms and is smarter and better looking than most members of Congress.

I am glad I vote Democratic.

Pat Roy, South Paris

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