PERU — Selectmen announced at their meeting Monday night that a court has denied the appeal of Donald Paradis, who they say violated a town building permit by constructing a two-car garage larger than allowed and making a residence on the second story.

Active-Retired Justice Robert Clifford of Oxford County Superior Court in Paris affirmed the denial issued by the Peru Board of Appeals.

Paradis received a permit for the garage on Worthley Pond. It stipulated that the garage was not to be used for a residence or camp. However, he included a kitchen and bathroom on the second story, they said.

Paradis paid a fine for constructing a larger building than authorized.

The Peru Planning Board, the code enforcement officer and selectmen issued a Notice of Violation requiring Paradis to either remove the garage or remove the kitchen and bathroom on the second floor.

Paradis appealed the decision and at the Board of Appeals hearing maintained that his possession of a residential plumbing permit authorizing installation of fixtures overrode the limits in the building permit.


Selectman Larry Snowman said Monday that Paradis has 21 days to appeal the court’s ruling.

Selectmen welcomed newly elected Selectman Windy Henderson, who succeeds Laurieanne Milligan.

Lee Merrill was elected chairman and Snowman vice chairman Monday.

Town Clerk Vera Parent reminded the board that the Town Office traditionally closes early June 30 to finish the books for the 2013-14 fiscal year. The board agreed to close the office at 1 p.m. that day.

Parker Appraisal Company of Falmouth submitted the only bid for conducting a property revaluation for the town and it was rejected by a vote of 3-2.

Selectmen Jim Pulsifer and Wing recommended accepting the bid and said the town was fortunate to receive a bid under $50,000.


Snowman, Merrill and Henderson voted to reject it and get new bids. Snowman said he thought the town would get more bids if the job was better advertised. Merrill said he thought the town would benefit from having a new appraisal company.

Pulsifer reminded residents that the amount of taxes raised was determined by the budget approved by townspeople. The property revaluation, he said, only determines how the tax bill is distributed about the town. He pointed out that a revaluation would result in some winners and some losers.

Resident Dawna Kazregis chastised Pulsifer for not notifying townspeople that ballots for the June 10 referendum improperly indicated that the Budget Committee had made recommendations on some articles.

The Budget Committee did not make recommendations on non-money articles.

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