As the hyperbole, hysteria and histrionics of another election year moves toward summer, claims become ever more crazed. This year however, the hate and obsession of certain Democratic leaders and extremist groups has gone too far.

It is unfortunate, too. There really are an awful lot of good hard-working Democrats in Maine. I will even go so far as to say there are a lot of good Democrats serving in office. The problem, however, is that their leadership and their party has been hijacked by extremists who know their agenda is so extreme they can only promote it by making people hate Republicans.

It is often said that when you know you have lost the argument, it is time to attack the other side personally.

Let’s take a look at the most recent absurdity by the Maine People’s Alliance and supported by both House Speaker Mark Eves and Senate President Justin Alfond. There is a website called The site claims 157 Maine people will die this year if MaineCare is not expanded.

To put things into perspective, this website is so bad that former governor and Congressman John Baldacci even denounced it on WGAN saying, “Unfortunately, it’s an election year and it tends to denigrate into hyperbole.”

I understand wanting to motivate your base, but that is a bit over the top. That is, however, not the worst part.


Not by a long shot.

In Maine, all hospitals offer, as part of their service to the community, free care and low cost care to those who are below a certain income threshold. In Lewiston, the charity care threshold is $17,505 for an individual and $23,595 for a couple. That threshold is the same at both St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center and Central Maine Medical Center.

To put this in perspective: The Maine Legislature wanted to extend MaineCare to childless adults up to 138 percent of poverty. Maine hospitals already extend it to people up to 175 percent of poverty. So absolutely no one will be helped by the extension of MaineCare who is not already covered by the hospitals as part of their requirement for nonprofit status.

This is not “Go to the ER, they have to take you,” as the red herring myth some claim. This is full health care.

They set you up with a primary care physician, they set you up with regular visits as needed. It is all covered. They will even set you up with medicine.

There are also websites from all the major pharmaceutical companies that will give free prescription drugs to people at or just above the poverty level of income.


The Maine People’s Alliance claims to be about empowering and helping poor people, but their actions speak of a different agenda.

They know about all these resources but they would rather keep silent. Why? Apparently, if we are to believe their own motives that they project onto Gov. Paul LePage and Republicans, the MPA, Speaker Eves and President Alfond would rather see 157 people die for their own political benefit than point those people to the resources that already exist.

That is just plain wrong.

Arguing issues is fine; even attacking is commonplace now. That is where politics has devolved. But to let people die because it fits your political agenda — that is a new low.

To use a term from television, the MPA and Democrat leadership have “jumped the shark” on this one. I hope other Democrat legislators follow former Gov. Baldacci’s lead in denouncing this disgusting exploitation. Like TV shows that “jump the shark,” it is time to cancel it and start watching something else.

If not, I implore voters to consider who they want representing them.


Republicans prefer to help people improve their lives, not exploit them. We are proud to help people find resources they need, instead of using fear, hate and hyperbole to exploit people into voting our way.

The old saying goes, “Once they attack you personally, that’s when you know you’ve won the argument.” I expect the slams to come quickly and aggressively. But hey, I’ve got big shoulders and we all know I’m used to it.

Enjoy the summer, we’ve all earned it — Republicans, Democrats and independents alike.

Stavros Mendros is the Androscoggin County Republican chairman. He lives in Lewiston.

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