I searched for information about the brutal attack on Steve Utash by a mob of black men in Detroit, following his attempt to help the young boy he had accidentally hit with his truck. I ended up on a website whose angry white writers treated the attackers as exhibiting the black race’s natural penchant for mindless beat-downs. They advanced the idea that the blacks’ attack on this isolated white male served as a harbinger of the impending death of the white race.

What really faces its impending demise is not a race but rather America’s foundational Judeo-Christian ethic. The evil that would destroy it is an equal opportunity parasite in the human heart. Mistaking the evil we see in Utash’s attackers as one race’s display of inherent debasement and abandoning oneself to race hatred only expands evil’s momentary gain.

In making this very mistake, the site’s white writers award themselves a measure of race-based moral superiority to which no race has a claim. In making this very mistake, they drive wedges between themselves and the many black Americans who also treasure our country’s endangered Judeo-Christian heritage.

To quench such emotional calls to racial division, committed Christians must nurture the bonds of spiritual brotherhood across this nation’s widening racial divide. Economic and social conservatives must support black conservatives like Charles Payne and Tara Setmayer.

Instead, that website’s writers blindly play an unwitting role as useful foils in liberalism’s political strategy of divide and demonize to get elected.

Leonard Hoy, Greenwood

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