CHESTERVILLE — A town meeting is planned to clarify two articles voted on at last week’s annual town meeting.

It will take place at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 10, at the Town Office, Deputy Town Clerk Pat Gordon said.

At the annual meeting, voters were asked to transfer $4,403 from surplus to cover all 2013 overdrafts. It was the wrong amount in the article, so voters changed it to $6,561.70, but it can’t be done that way, she said.

Amounts in articles can be reduced but not increased, she said.

In another article, voters were asked to raise $5,000, take $20,000 from the general fund and use equipment reserve funds to purchase highway equipment. Voters chose to raise and appropriate the $25,000, Town Clerk Heather Wheeler said last week.

The article will be reworded for the April 10 vote to see if the town will raise and appropriate a sum of money and use funds from the equipment reserve to purchase highway equipment.  Selectmen recommend $25,000, Gordon said Tuesday.

The meeting will precede the regular selectmen meeting, she said.

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