The public is being told, again and again, that President Obama “broke a promise” when millions of people were told their health insurance couldn’t be renewed because it didn’t meet the guidelines of ObamaCare. He did say, “You can keep your insurance coverage if you like it.” And, “If you like your doctor, you can keep him.” But those were not promises.

ObamaCare had already been written by the president’s Democratic administration, passed into law by a Democratic Congress (House and Senate), and approved by the Supreme Court. It was (and is) the “law of the land.”

Few had read it and even fewer understood it. But the president wasn’t in a position to make any “promises”; it was too late. He would have to break the law or do what he chose to do — tell a blatant, barefaced, damnable lie (and repeat it at least 20 times). He wanted to be re-elected and if he told the truth, it might not happen (that’s a risk he seldom takes).

He counted on the fact that practically all the Democrats in Congress would continue to support him. And that all Americans want to believe their president. And that is what happened. And he was re-elected.

(I use the term “barefaced” because it is a word people understand, as they do the word “period.” And I use the word “damnable” because there are enough church-going people to know how the word is properly applied.)

James Sawyer, New Gloucester

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