I think future historians will have positive things to say about Obama’s eight years as president.

I doubt the “tea party” and George W. Bush fare as well.

I wonder how those who say climate change is not a real and serious threat to our planet can look their children and or grandchildren in the eye.

I wonder why the Republicans have tried 50 times to eliminate a health care program that continues to offer better insurance for better heath care at less cost to the consumer.

I wonder why the Republicans in Maine refuse to accept the millions of dollars that are offered by the Affordable Care Act when citizens of so many states are already enjoying the benefits.

I wonder why I hear so much hatred of unions, including the removal of artwork by Gov. LePage from the Department of Labor.


Unions have performed an incredible amount of good for many years. Teachers’ unions have worked and succeeded in improving education and attracted excellent people to become educators.

I realize that some union bosses and some unions became too greedy. That does not negate all the positive things that unions have done and will continue to do.

I wonder why people think they can tell others they must accept the rules of their religion when we are guaranteed freedom of religion and separation of church and state.

I wonder why Republicans have not listened to their more reasonable and kinder leaders, such as former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman.

Nancy Willard, Woodstock

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