I read the Sun Journal article (Jan. 30) about Dr. Laura Grego’s presentation to Bates College students and I was interested in the Union of Concerned Scientists organization. I wonder how well known is the fact that the UCS has only 16 scientists among its 139-member staff.

Myself, when I think “union,” I think of hundreds, if not thousands, of members. Seems to me they might have misrepresented themselves.

Also, reviewing their website, it is easy to determine that they are a far-left-leaning organization and I am not sure that they have the best interests of the United States at heart.

Grego is an astrophysicist, which is the study of the universe, so I am not sure I want her determining U.S. defense policy. The fact that the East Coast is undefended makes me nervous, especially from a submarine launch missile attack.

George Caron, Lisbon Falls

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