Congress is out of control and is taking this country down an extremely destructive path that will have irreversible consequences if nothing is done very soon.

It is utter folly to have any confidence that members of Congress will do what is right for this nation. As Thomas Jefferson stated, “In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”

Unfortunately, those once strong and mighty chains of the Constitution have weakened during the past two centuries from the constant pressure of abuses bearing upon them by those in Congress and their desire to place into bondage their fellow man.

The Founding Fathers expected this day to come and provided the people with the means to correct the abuses by the federal government in order to restore the republic. Article V of the Constitution gives the states power to hold a convention to propose amendments upon the application of two-thirds of the state legislatures.

It is time for the states to apply for a convention of states to propose amendments to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.

The time has come to strengthen the chains of the Constitution by forging them anew in the fires of liberty to bind the tyrannical desires of those in power.

As coalition director for Maine of the Convention of States Project, I urge state legislators to call a convention of states.

Ken Quinn, Lisbon Falls

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