Four Telstar High School seniors are participating in a pilot program that allows them to take classes at Central Maine Community College while earning credits toward graduation at Telstar.

Mariha Morin, Hali Barter, Jessica Dirago, and Hope Doyle have each carried a full course load at CMCC during the fall semester. Although they were entering a busy week of final exams, they took time out from studying to address the school directors at Monday night’s board meeting.

All had positive things to say about the collaboration between CMCC and Telstar. Morin said she liked the atmosphere of the college, and having more freedom. She added, “I like seeing all the different cultures, because here at Telstar you don’t really see that.”

Barter, who took six college classes, said she was able to arrange her schedule so that she attended CMCC each day from 8 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., which allowed her to continue to play on the Telstar field hockey team.

Asked by a board member if Telstar had prepared her well to take college classes, Barter admitted, “Personally, for me, I didn’t make the best decisions at Telstar because I felt like I could get away with it more, because they weren’t as strict. In college, you know if you don’t pass something in, you’re getting a zero.”

The others agreed that the college-level work was harder and the expectations higher than they were used to, but, said Dirago, “You do have that challenge, but you definitely want to rise up to that challenge and you work harder.”


Socially, Dirago said she had expected the transition from high school to college to be more difficult than it turned out to be. “Everyone made me feel really welcome. You make friends so quickly; you just feel at home.”

When Woodstock director Marcel Polak asked, “Is this stimulating an interest for you to continue with your education past high school?” the students answered in unison with an immediate “yes.”

Asked what advice they would give to members of Telstar’s junior class, who are being offered the opportunity to attend CMCC next year, Doyle said, “It’s such a great opportunity, even if you weren’t planning to go to college, that I would say go for it, because it never hurts to have college credits.”

Barter added, “When you go to college it’s up to you to either sit up front, or sit in back, and if you sit up front, you’re learning, and you meet the best people.”

“You are an inspiration to us, and to your fellow classmates,” said Bethel director Frank DelDuca. “You also have given your parents a great gift by being successful young people, and I commend you for that. Thank you for raising our school to a new standard.”

Following the students’ presentation, Superintendent David Murphy announced that contributions to the program by Project Opportunity and Sunday River will make it possible for the district to reimburse the participants for the full cost of their textbooks for the fall semester. Murphy’s announcement drew applause from board members, as well as the students and their families.


In other business Monday, the board unanimously approved three percent raises for each of the next three years for Accountant Cynthia Moxcey, Administrative Assistant/HR Coordinator Robin Gundersen, and Murphy.

Murphy’s contract was extended by one year, through 2019, and he will be allowed to carry over some unused vacation days, receive a life insurance contribution, and be eligible for a partial sick leave buy back option upon retirement. He will also be asked to provide the board with a one-year notice of retirement. His current salary is approximately $111,600.

The votes came following executive sessions by the board.

Hanscom to facilitate grant

Directors also approved classifying the Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) Grant Facilitator as a secretary II position. Telstar secretary Wendy Hanscom will transition in January to the new position, which is funded for four years as part of the grant the district received through the Maine Schools for Excellence (MSFE) program.

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