This is in response to a Sun Journal article Dec. 12 about an email Rep. Brian Bolduc had sent to some Auburn officials.

Where is our sense of humor?

First, let me be clear, I do not condone the rude tone of Bolduc’s email, published in part by the Sun Journal. There is no need to be rude or insulting when requesting town services, whether you are acting as a private citizen or an elected leader.

But come on — a man insults the intelligence of truckers while essentially misspelling the word intelligence? That’s at least a little funny, isn’t it? Sort of like the pot calling the kettle “blakk.” And the pot is colorblind.

Most of us, usually out of frustration, have tapped out a hasty, email that may have contained a few errors in the heat of the moment. But those of us with “brains in our heads” reread and reconsider before hitting “send.”

Kelly Cutchin,  Auburn

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