Produced by Maine Poetry Central and Dennis Camire

This week’s poem is from the producer of this series, Dennis Camire, from his collection “Combed By Crows,” published by Deerbrook Editions.


Some Words on Birds and Borders

By Dennis Camire


Let’s praise all the world’s birds

Unconcerned with shots and passports


As they cross disputed borders

Then refuse to seek permission to

Touch down on the river’s moonlit landing strip.


And let’s sing of those crazy, Canada geese

Violating North American Trade agreements


As their bellies import unknown grains

And they don’t stop for the bomb and pot sniffing dogs.

And see how no single winged being heeds


A “no fly zone” between warring countries

Where one private notes “soldiers”


Turn into amateur birders as they lord over

“No man’s land” where grouse seek spouses

Along mine-laced gravel roads


And falcons let their young fly over

The anti-aircraft artillery of trees.


And imagine, now, the seeds of peace sown

By the wooing peacock caught between cross-fire

Or the mother cardinal spied nesting over


The killing fields; and you — birder of words —

Unsure if you can fly into the altruism’s altitude


Where flocks of hopeful thoughts are flushed

From the single thrush admired through

The sniper’s scope, when did the b-52 of blue heron


Ever fail to drop, into the pond,

Anything but her body’s beautiful bomb?


Dennis Camire can be reached at

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