This is in response to Mary Jane Newell’s letter, “Congress must do something” (Nov. 18).

She brings up, again, Benghazi, Syria, Egypt and now adds Iran, as examples of President Obama’s failures. Then adds, “and now Obamacare.”

I would like to remind her that it is called the Affordable Health Care Act and it is the law.

Who would not want all Americans to have access to health care? It wasn’t a Republican-backed law, is that what makes it upsetting to her?

I would suggest that most major national programs have gone through adjustments to ensure they meet the needs of all Americans.

What really concerns me is her statement, “Electing Obama as president was a disaster in the making.” Newell has prejudged the man and doesn’t respect the office he was elected to.


I would ask Newell if President Bush benefited from the Clinton administration? Bush gave tax cuts to the wealthy and gave corporations exemptions in the name of creating jobs when in fact it only reduced revenue, adding to the national debt. Bush misled America into the war with Iraq and put it on the nation’s credit card.

Newell wants Congress to straighten out the mess. Has she been unaware of the mess that Congress is in?

I also wonder if Newell feels that the nation would not be “in this mess” if Bush could have served a third term as president?

Norman Smith, Poland

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