Hard core drug addicts don’t start out on hard drugs … they eventually graduated from marijuana. That is why marijuana should never become legal.

Portland? We should give it back to Massachusetts.

The greatest immediate threat to the U.S. is not overseas, it is right here. Hallucinogenic drugs are crippling this country, yet the illicit trade could be completely wiped out within two years if the president and Congress would pull troops out of other countries and fight the war that is right here on our own doorsteps.

Organize all of the state and local police departments, all of the military branches and the numerous special forces, the FBI and the CIA and go after those responsible.

The U.S. chases terrorists into their own back yards — do the same with the drug trade. Call it marshal law if need be, but just do it and stop forming committees to only talk about how serious the drug trade has become.

The U.S. leads the world and I believe we should be setting an example before telling other countries how to run theirs.

No drug cartel could stand up to the Navy Seals or the Green Berets. The drug dealers are responsible for more terror in this country than the Taliban and should be dealt with as terrorists. And come down hard on the recreational users at the same time and clean up these United States.

Then, when other countries see what we have accomplished, maybe we would get more cooperation.

Randall Probert, Bethel

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