MEXICO — The Mexico Police Department will host a meet-and-greet at 6 p.m. Dec. 3 at the Mexico Police Department to discuss the upcoming neighborhood watch.

Interim police Chief Roy Hodsdon said anyone from Mexico who is interested in joining the neighborhood watch should attend the meet-and-greet.

“We’re going to have the Mexico Explorers greeting people at the door, and we’ll have some refreshments and snacks for people,” Hodsdon said. “After that, we’ll just be having a discussion about the neighborhood watch and what our expectations are for it moving forward.”

The plan is to focus on two or three areas of town, though Hodsdon said if the community has a certain area they want officers and the Mexico Explorers to focus on, they’ll listen.

As for an official start date, Hodsdon said he wasn’t sure.

“The meet-and-greet will just be us discussing ideas and expectations,” he said. “We aren’t expecting to get the watch started until after the new year.”

For more information, visit the Mexico Police Department Facebook page.

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