On the evening of Tuesday, Oct. 8, I witnessed the most shameful and disgusting result of the Obama Administration’s efforts to make the partial government shutdown as painful as possible for American citizens.

Fox News’ Meghan Kelly program showed the disgraceful disregard the Obama Administration has for American veterans. The program showed the Washington Mall with the World War II Memorial still barricaded against admission of WWII veterans while, at the same time, Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic politicians welcomed thousands of illegal aliens into the rest of the mall.

Worse, the program then showed grieving relatives of five American soldiers killed in Afghanistan over the weekend distressed that the Obama Administration and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, himself a Vietnam veteran, “could not find the money to transport the dead soldiers or their relatives to Dover Air Force Base or to provide funerals” for them. Instead, the administration blames Republicans in the House of Representatives for causing the shutdown.

Retired Lt. Col. Oliver North was nearly overcome by emotion and disbelief at the outrage — a total disregard for common decency by the administration.

They can find funds to provide police and escorts for illegals but not for the nation’s fallen heroes? Preposterous.

Richard Grover, Mason Township

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