The Taliban are a religious dictatorship whose members believe that they are the only ones who can interpret the Koran.

The American extreme religious right believes the same about the Bible.

Neither believe in separation of church and state.

Like our religious right, the Taliban are determined to eliminate many modern ideas, including most scientific beliefs. Even mentioning birth control might lead to a beheading.

The Taliban control the media by prohibiting television. They allow radios so they can broadcast prayers and propaganda.

Our right has Fox News, many Internet sites, radio talk shows, conservative newspapers, and many organizations promoting their views.


All non-religious books are banned by the Taliban. The U.S. right wing also loves banning books.

The Taliban punishes theft, adultery and all crimes against religious laws by public amputation or execution. The right favors the death penalty (although not for adultery).

Taliban women must wear the burqa at all times and are forbidden to get an education, wear makeup or work outside the home. Rick Santorum and others believe that higher education is bad because it causes young people to think independently. Religious conservatives in the U.S. also believe that women should stay home and raise children.

Most of the world’s Muslims do not accept the beliefs of the Taliban.

Most Americans do not accept the most extreme views of the religious right.

Those extremists have far too much influence in today’s Republican Party.

Ellen Field, New Gloucester

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