According to columnist Rosa Brooks of the New America Foundation, “America can’t fix Syria, or most other places” (Sept. 3), Washington cannot take action in Syria because it lacks “strategic vision,” and it wouldn’t want to risk American lives. But it is not just Syria that America can’t finish its wars with, it is also the “never-ending” wars with al-Qaida and Afghanistan.

I think we should eliminate Bashar Assad the same way we eliminated Osama bin Laden. If, for some reason, that is out of the question, we should at least threaten him. He believes that he is on top and that we are under him, but that is not true.

This isn’t about politics, or countries. This is about people — humans. How can we just ignore what is being done to them?

As for the other wars, we should just finish them off as quickly as possible.

Honestly, President Obama just needs to make up his mind. We don’t have all this time to be procrastinating. If Washington could just give him the green light, the whole controversy wouldn’t be going on.

Why is it so difficult for them to make up their minds?

Nelson Peterson

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