The Sept. 4 article about hidden pharmacy theft stated that not all drug thieves are on the outside of the counter, that stealing happens on the opposite side of the counter as well.

In order to help reduce or resolve the problem, I have a suggestion.

I am aware that before a pharmacist receives a job, a background check is done. But that doesn’t always determine whether they could be a thief or not. One idea I came up with is to occasionally have all employees go through a blood test to check for drugs. Of course, that wouldn’t get rid of those people who steal drugs just to sell them.

My next solution is to put hidden cameras in the pharmacy. That way, if someone steals something, someone would be able to examine the recording to see who did it.

Finally, I would suggest a regular count of the inventory and have the employees keep a personal log to put down what they sold, how much they sold, to whom they sold it and when they sold it. Then if something were missing, the police could use the log to track down who did it.

I am not sure if any of that helps, but if the problem is not resolved soon, there will be even bigger problems created.

Kiera Young

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