Biographical information


Tracey Levesque

Office Sought:

Auburn School Committee, Ward 4

Home Street Address:


264 Beech Hill Road

Campaign Phone Number:


Campaign Email Address:

Facebook page:


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Occupation or primary source of income:

Stay-at-home mother. Husband is CEO of Argo Marketing Group.


New England Culinary Institute



I am a busy mom who is constantly running around. My day ranges from activities for the kids, to attending meetings, helping with homework, keeping the husband on task, cooking, taking care of the house and all of the family pets, even mowing the lawn. I love it, wouldn’t trade it, but it can get crazy at times!

Public offices sought or held?

Presently hold Ward 4 seat.

Civic organizations:

I sit on the board for Sandcastle Clinical & Educational Services in Lewiston. I am a member of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Lewiston. I also volunteer my time for The Dempsey Challenge, my gardening skills for Sandcastle and my children’s classrooms, if called upon.


Ice breakers

What is your favorite food?

Crepes with anything ranging from sweet to savory.

What is your favorite movie?

Currently, the documentary, “The Crash Reel.” Riveting, courageous and inspirational, all wrapped together with Kevin Pearce’s passion.

What is your favorite book?


Anything from Kristin Hannah. She always hits them out of the park.

What is the best political advice you have received?

Never stop voicing your position. Continue to stay true to what you believe in.

What Maine political figure do you admire most?

Hands down, Olympia Snowe. She went from being a wife to a senator who demonstrates poise, professionalism, compassion, humility and leadership. To see her in the papers as a young child and then have conversation with her as an adult is such a humbling experience.

Local politics


What has Mayor Jonathan LaBonte done during the past two years that you agree with? What has he done that you disagree with?

I called upon his leadership when the two-hour delay for middle and high school students was put back on the table for the second time during school committee. I was happy with his proactive approach for dealing with the issue while he was out of state at the time. What I don’t agree with is his lack of acknowledgement toward school board members during joint meetings. We all have a purpose for being present at those meetings, whether we agree or disagree. I also didn’t agree with his comment about my church’s check clearing during a meeting about the Greek Festival signs. It was not needed or appropriate.

What has the city council done during the past two years that you agree with? What have they done that you disagree with?

The Council must be commended for spearheading the redesign of the city website and urging residents to become more involved with the comings and goings of their community. It’s been a slow process, but more and more residents are reaching out, which is great. We have councilors that have had a huge impact on gaining trust back with residents, which has been crucial in this process.

I disagreed with the new ice arena being built. I believe the energy should have been put elsewhere. It’s here now, so we’ll see what it generates for local businesses.

What has the city manager and the city staff done during the past two years that you agree with? What have they done that you disagree with?


I think Clint is great for Auburn. He seems to have his hands in everything and is a team player. There is definitely a different energy in the building then there was years prior. I look forward to seeing Auburn grow under Clint’s leadership.The big issue I have with the City was the huge tax error that was committed. Accountability needs to be in place when something of this proportion has occurred. It seems to have just been swept under the rug with no real light shed on it. Unfortunately, taxpayers feel the burden of this error.

What has the school committee done during the past two years that you agree with? What have they done that you disagree with?

The approach with customized learning is coming to fruition which is wonderful to see. I am eager to see how my son does in a customized classroom this year. I am also happy that we decided to wait for State funding for ELHS. I voted against it going on taxpayers’ backs in the first place.

What I have disagreed with has been known publicly. I still disagree with iPads for grades K-2. I still know that not all iPads are customized for each student or that an occupational therapist was never put in place to make sure teachers are having the students handle the iPads correctly with regard to fine motor skill development. This was what the public was sold prior to my joining of the board. I also do not agree with iPads going into middle and high school hands. They should have had laptops. To have students share keyboards or that the students are purchasing keyboards so they can type faster in class is absurd.

What is your solution for Auburn’s high school?

Unfortunately, we have to take the road like all other schools and that is to wait for State funding. We must also man up and take responsibility for the condition the school is currently in. It didn’t get there overnight. We need to learn, wait and be patient and then be responsible for the new ELHS when the State approves funding.

Any last words?

Voters should know that I am very passionate when it comes to voting, and I do weigh pros and cons on each issue. I will also continue to fight for the importance of handwriting and cursive writing. No matter how much technology there is, there will always be a need to know and utilize penmanship. Voters should also know that there is a lot of behind the scenes that go on. I am in constant correspondence with the citizens of Auburn, not just Ward 4. I have no issue reaching out to the superintendent for their answers.

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